Online Financial Aid System

FILE YOUR 2023-2024 FAFSA NOW!!! 

REMINDER:  use 2021 tax information to file the 2023-2024 FAFSA.

Welcome to the Rivier University Online Financial Aid System. You can:

  • Check the status of a submitted financial aid application
  • View a list of documents we've received from you and a list of documents still required
  • View your financial aid awards
  • Accept/decline/reduce financial aid awards
  • View your loan history
  • View awards from the 04/05 school year to the present 
  • Print out required forms

**Please Note: The Student ID needed to enter the Net Partner account can be found on your Award Letter or Email Alert. This is not the same Student ID that is on your Rivier University ID card.


Log In Instructions

You must have a financial aid record already established at Rivier University in order to use this system. If you have not begun the financial aid application process, you can get started by completing online the FAFSA available at Enter our school code 002586, on your application and we will automatically receive a copy. Once we receive your information from the FAFSA, we'll notify you of your Net Partner User ID and then you can then start using this system. 

To access the online system, enter your Net Partner User ID assigned to you by the Financial Aid Office at Rivier University.  You can find your Net Partner User ID in the email that contained your financial aid award letter.

If you haven't been assigned a Net Partner User ID yet, please contact the Financial Aid Office at using your Rivier email address or by phone at (603) 897-8488.  Your Net Partner User ID will only be emailed to you through your Rivier email address. Once you have your Net Partner User ID, enter it in and click "First Time User" if you have never logged into the system before. You will then be able to create your password. If you have accessed your Net Partner account previously, but have forgotten your password, click on the "Forgot your Password?" link to re-set your password.